Dental Implants

Stop going bananas over a missing tooth. Smile freely with dental implants. Book a consult with the dentist at our Five Dock clinic to see if it will help you or scroll below to find out more about dental implants.

dental implant five dock

What is a dental implant?

Implant is a tiny post placed into your jaw to support a replacement tooth. Over time, dental implant fuses with your jaw bone and provides a strong base for placing an artificial tooth.

Once the implant is stable it is topped up with an artificial tooth that looks and feels like your natural tooth.

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Why get it at Dock Dental Five Dock?

Years of experience paired with the technologies make us one of the best options for dental implants in Five Dock and surrounding suburbs.

We do our best to make your dental implant appointment the best ever dental visit you have had.

Experienced dentist

Led by Dr.Shiwakoti we have years of experience and a very high number of delighted dental implant patients,

Advanced implant technologies

We make sure that our dentists update themselves with the latest in implant technologies and use them for the best results, always!

Comfortable dental visit

Stunningly designed dental clinics and a very friendly team will make sure you are comfortable at all times.

How can a dental implant help?

Dental implants are a long term solution for replacing your missing teeth. Whether it is just one tooth or a full mouth, we can use dental implant to get back your amazing smile.

It can replace the missing teeth without cutting through the adjacent healthy tooth or going through a hassle of loose dentures.


Implant is an ideal solution to replace just one tooth.


Avoid cutting adjacent teeth with implant and bridge.


Stop worrying about loose dentures.

What are the steps involved in dental implants?


Visit us for a consult and know your options
First appointment is all about knowing your conditions and exploring the options for you. We take several digital scan and x-rays to start with.


Computerised technology is used to prepare for your implant
Based on the earlier consultation, our software prepares an accurate guide to help dentist achieve the best results.


Place the dental implant
Your next appointment involves placing the dental implant within your jaw. We will leave it for 3-6 months to heal before we get to the next stage.


Place your new tooth on the implant
After the area around the implant is healed, we will measure and place a new artificial tooth on top of the implant to reveal your new smile.

Ready to begin?

Book a 30-minute, in-person consult
for dental implant at our Five Dock studio.

Book OnlineOr call 7253 0333

Worried about the cost?

Together with Denticare, we also provide a simple interest-free payment plan to budget your dental implant cost over a period comfortable for you.

Talk to us during your consult if you want to know more about the plan.

Frequently asked questions about Dental Implants

  • How long do dental implants last?
  • What is dental implants made of?
  • Are dental implants painful?
  • How long does it take to get dental implants?
  • Does dental implants need special care or maintenance?
  • Is a dental implant better than a bridge?
  • Are there any risks or complications associated with dental implants?
  • Can dental implants be placed immediately after a tooth extraction?
  • Are dental implants suitable for older adults?
  • Are dental implants covered by health funds in Australia?
How long do dental implants last?
Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care. Lifestyle factors such as smoking and certain medical conditions can increase the risk of implant failure. So it is important to discuss these with your dentist before getting implants.
What is dental implants made of?
Dental implants are made of a biocompatible material such as titanium or a titanium alloy., which is a strong, lightweight, and corrosion-resistant metal that is well-suited for use in the human body.
Are dental implants painful?
The procedure to place dental implants is typically done under local anaesthesia, so the patient should not feel any pain during the procedure. Some discomfort or soreness may occur after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.
How long does it take to get dental implants?
The entire process of getting dental implants can take 3-6 months. It  involves multiple appointments and is mainly dependent on the healing time for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.
Does dental implants need special care or maintenance?
Dental implants require the same care and maintenance as natural teeth. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. It is also best to avoid smoking to increase its life.
Is a dental implant better than a bridge?
Yes. Fixed bridges has higher chances of failing compared to dental implants. Additionally implants do not require you to cut through the adjacent teeth and depend on it’s strength.
Are there any risks or complications associated with dental implants?
Like any other surgical procedure dental implants has it’s risks as well. The most common risk is when the dental implant fails to fuse with the bone and it fails.
Can dental implants be placed immediately after a tooth extraction?
In some cases, dental implants can be placed immediately after a tooth extraction. However, this depends on the individual cases.
Are dental implants suitable for older adults?

Yes, dental implants can be a great option for older adults as well as young.

Are dental implants covered by health funds in Australia?
It depends on your health fund policy. It is best to check with your insurance provider to see what is covered under your policy. We can also check your coverage during your initial consult.